Monday, February 23, 2009

Some things to do before I die...

Alright, its Monday. The last one in February 09. BRRRRRR. I am so ready for some warmth! I am glad it has been snowy this winter but I am suffering from severe "its too cold to shoot outside and I don't have a studio!!!!" syndrome.. ugh

I spent all day at the stupid mall for work.. it was a really long day and since I do not feel great today, I was sooooo happy when 5pm came around and I got to come home.. ughh again.

I have been watching some serious America's Next Top Model lately, for about 8 years I have known that one day I want to be a photographer on that show. Tyra.. call me. I am always inspired by the editorials they come up with and can see me shooting one of the crazy shoots with awesome bright makeup or one of the crazy shoots they with props or underwater.. etc.. I love it.... it's on my list of things to do before I die.

Another thing that is on my list is to adopt a rescue pet. Mr. B and I have decided on a Sphynx cat, yes, the hairless kind. We are putting in application and hoping that when we purchase our home we will be able to quickly adopt and take home our new baby! They are quite adorable and affectionate, I love cats that act like they need you, not the kind that you only see when they are feeling like it, so they are perfect.

While we are on the topic of things I want to do before I keel over, I might as well make a little list...
-be mommy to a rescued sphynx kitty and a pound mutt(perhaps not at the same time)
-be a photographer and judge on America's Next Top Model
-travel with a successful music group on tour and photograph the journey (The Avett Brothers, Holy Ghost Tent Revival, The Everybodyfields, Langhorne Slim, preferably!)
-publish a cookbook, publish a music coffee table photo book and publish a WV photo book
-get invited to compete in the pillsbury bake-off!

and now, photos of Mr. B & I's journey to Johnson City, Tennesee to see some wonderful live music in December at the Down Home..

the TN cabin!

Doc Watson at the Down Home

Sam Quinn of the Everybodyfields at Down Home

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