Sunday, August 16, 2009

Want to Test Drive us?

I am trying out a new concept I call "test drive" sessions for those out there who are engaged, have picked a date, but do not yet have a photographer.  They are no obligation and serve to help us better understand one another and find out if we are compatible in terms of work style and photography style.  Sure, you may love a photo I took of someone else, but how will you like the photos I take of you?  So, test drives are a way for me to meet clients and help them find out if I am really someone they want to invest in.  They are informal meetings where questions can be asked and deeper information can be shared about your wedding and about what we can do to help preserve those memories.  At the end of the meeting we take about 20 minutes and have a quick photo shoot, resulting in a small sample of photographs for you to review and make your decision to hire, or not to hire!  We hope that we can win you over with our charm and good looks... or you know, our photography skills and work ethic.  So far, we have had one wonderful couple take us up on this offer.  

Ben & Cate are getting married at the County Club in Vienna in October at Twilight... which is why they wanted me to test drive with them, at the same place and time.  Ben is into photography and knew the specific challenges that would be posed for photographers shooting at this time.  I took on the challenge, being very honest that it might just not work, depending on how dark they were going to allow it to get.  We had a lovely meal and talked a bunch and I enjoyed it a ton!  Here are some of the results of the test drive.. =]

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